Bush Beans

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12 Responses

  1. Emily MySFG says:

    I see your confusion–Spring planting is done when moving from the coldest months, to the warmest. The harvest is sometimes in the spring, and other times in the summer. Fall planting is done when moving from the warmest months, to the coldest. Often this happens in the middle of the summer, to be harvested in the fall. Fall gardens need to be well established before cooler temperatures set in.

  2. Christi An says:

    I am so CONFUSED because 1st frost or last frost is Never indicated on any pages for any vegetable….just the word “frost”.
    When it says:

    “Spring PLANTING
    Plant seeds directly in the garden the week of the frost date.
    Plant seeds 10 weeks before the frost date.”

    Please assume for a minute that frost dates are in Oct and April.
    For “Fall PLANTING” if you plant 10 weeks before OCT you are Not PLANTING in the fall. I assume you would be HARVESTING, NOT PLANTING????! If Emily means to plant 10 weeks before APRIL, you are planting in the Winter. I wish your site would indicate which “frost” you are talking about on each item. I just don’t get any of it. What a shame. 🙁

  3. Emily says:

    Go ahead and plant just 4, the spacing here is for 4″ apart.

  4. Emily says:

    My seed packet says to plant 6 inches apart, so should I follow that and only plant four seeds, or go ahead and put nine in?

  5. Jacob Bechtel says:

    My Bush Beans have come in like gangbusters so far. Top Notch Golden Wax.


    This had some drawbacks of course. Root system just could hold them up. So after a fall I’ve got them held up now with twine around a tripod of chimney brush segment ( was at hand when I saw the fall). Flowers have started making appearances so we’ll see how it goes. If they do well I’ll amend the soil and plant a second set, maybe do some canning this year.

  6. Emily says:

    That’s a normal size for bush beans. Give them a little fertilizer for a boost. I love Blooming and Rooting.

  7. Cyndee says:

    How tall are bush beans supposed to get? Mine are only about 7-8 inches. They flowered and are growing little beans, but I thought they would be taller. They’ve had a hard time though, for some reason insects, especially leaf miners, just love them, so the plants have been struggling to keep ahead.

  8. Tina @ Dewdrop Garden says:

    Thanks! I thought that sounded really late to me too, I am going to plant most of my seeds as soon as the weather is fit to go outside again, it’s been kind of yucky here, and it doesn’t look like it is going to be better until Friday.

  9. Emily says:

    Tina–that’s quite late. If you are Yellow Group, you should be able to plant your bush beans mid to end of April.

  10. Tina @ Dewdrop Garden says:

    My seed packet says to direct sow these in June for my region (actually a lot of my seeds say that), and it seems to me that June is so late to be planting, do you think I really have to wait until June or should I just wait until the frost date? I am in Minneapolis, Minnesota, yellow region.

    Thanks! Tina

  11. Emily says:

    I’ve never done it, but I’m sure you could. You would want to keep really good track of where you planted. 🙂

  12. Marianne says:

    A question about succession planting. Can I plant every two weeks within one square? I am planting two squares of bush beans and want to be able to harvest all summer. Thanks for your help. I’m new to square foot gardening and am excited to get started.