Category: Random


Looking for Readers in Sherman Texas

Looking for Readers in Sherman Texas

Okay, this may be a long shot, but is there anyone out there who lives in or near Sherman Texas? If you do and you garden, and you are willing to be my hands,...

Announcing: New E-book Bundle!

Announcing: New E-book Bundle!

I am so happy to announce the launch of my new bundle. Here is what you’ll find inside: Gardening For Beginners is now Gardening Basics. I’ve updated this great step-by-step guide with what I’ve learned...

Coming Soon . . .

Okay folks, it’s only taken me a year longer than I thought, but I am almost ready to release the next edition of my e-books. I’m adding a new e-book, a Vegetable Reference Guide. This combines...

The Joy (and PAIN) of Technology!

The Joy (and PAIN) of Technology!

I apologize to all who have tried to access my website in the past two days. For some unknown reason, it kept loading slower and slower, until it would not load at all. I...

Gardening Bling

Gardening Bling

Okay, so here’s a shameless plug for you to go visit my friend Demi’s Etsy shop. She makes all this awesome stuff herself! For fun, I’ve added a gardening spin to it all. Click...

Another source for purchasing raised garden beds

Another source for purchasing raised garden beds

Thanks to Thomas for the heads up on this opportunity to purchase raised beds at Sam’s Club. To see other options, check out these posts on buying vs. building garden beds, and a raised...

Black Friday to Cyber Monday SALE!!!

Black Friday to Cyber Monday SALE!!!

Planting by Color and Gardening for Beginners e-book collection In the spirit of “Black Friday” (the craziest shopping day, the Friday after Thanksgiving), I have decided to run a special sale on my e-book...

Let me link to you!

Let me link to you!

Hey, this is for all those who write gardening blogs, or just blog about your garden sometimes. I’m going to create a list of gardening blogs on the Your SFG page. You don’t have...

A few matters of business. . .

A few matters of business. . .

Complete this survey! I’ve had many requests from those of you living in HOT climates (like Florida, Texas, Arizona, Nevada, California) or whose frost dates don’t fit into my color groups. I’m working on...

Lawnmower Class Action–cash benefits!!!

Lawnmower Class Action–cash benefits!!!

So, if you purchased a lawn mower, for your own use, containing an engine with up to 30 horsepower in the United States or Puerto Rico and between January 1, 1994 and April 12,...