Talk About Hardy
So check this out folks–I took this picture a week ago.
I planted these onions last spring. The onions on top were planted from seed, and the ones on the bottom were green onions I bought at the store. I cut off the roots, leaving about 1″ of stem, and used the rest to cook with. Then I replanted the bottoms and they grew more onions.
These onions were growing fine last fall, and then came the COLDEST WINTER EVER. We usually get lots of snow, but then the sun shines, temps rise to above freezing, and everything melts. Not this year. There was snow/ice on the ground from December until the middle of February. So these onions were snowed in all winter, and look at them! If you look closely, you’ll see that the outside “leaves” are brown and dead, but the plant easily survived the winter and now they’re thriving.
So, when I tell you a plant is “hardy” and can tolerate cold temperatures, I’m not kidding! Read more about plant hardiness.
Actually, it’s not too surprising that they would survive under snow cover, as snow is a great insulator. It’s actually the freeze-thaw cycle, and exposure with no snow cover, that is more likely to kill over-wintering plants. 🙂