Technology Crash
You may have noticed my total failure to post. Here’s a short summary:
1. Little camera breaks. This is my “go to” point and shoot. Something is wrong with the lens, it won’t come out all the way. I’ve LOVED this camera, and it’s served me well for a long time. Long enough to justify buying a new one. I just hate the process of having to read reviews, analyze, and decide.
2. Big camera battery dies. This is my “fancy” SLR camera. We have two batteries, neither of which will hold a charge. So we need to bite the bullet and buy a new one–it just costs about as much as a cheap point and shoot. Inevitable, I’m just avoiding having to spend that money.
3. Computer breaks. First of all, since I purchased it this computer would never perform certain Windows updates. Now it won’t install anything. So I decided it was time to reformat the hard drive and reinstall Windows. I did that. . . 3 times. The third time (on the third day) was a charm. I had JUST gotten the last updates installed, when it died. Apparently, the bracket for the CPU fan broke, overheating the processor and shutting the whole thing down. It should be a simple $15 fix, but I’m waiting for the parts to arrive in the mail. If something is permanently damaged, I’m going to cry.
So you can understand if I’ve revolted and gone on a short technology strike. Grrrr.
On a positive note, my iPad is working. I can at least check messages, if not function very well on the internet. I got the iPad because. . . I am working with a programmer to develop an iPad app. I would love to hear your comments and feedback about what features you would want/need in an app like this. Do you use gardening apps? What features are critical or missing from your current app?
And a gardening update (sans photos):
* Kale, glorious kale continues to thrive. And collard greens. If you need greens, I can highly recommend these. Growing like weeds in my garden. Cooked up some kale for dinner (in bacon grease and garlic) and my husband liked it. I’m on the fence–I may stick to smoothies.
* Carrots are being harvested, and eaten! I’ve had a few funky ones (three pointy ends), but no camera to document them with. They are sweet and delicious.
* Green onions have grown fast, and well. A definite addition to a salad garden or a semi-quick fill in plant after harvesting something else.
* TOMATOES! I have harvested our first tomatoes. That is a month earlier than last year and two weeks earlier than the year before. So maybe it was worth using the Walls O Water.
* Peppers are just starting to come on. I’ve picked one lone pepper.
* Potatoes are flowering again(!) but I’ve dug up a few for dinner. Delicious.
* Onions have fallen over. I think they are almost ready to be harvested.
That’s all for now. Hopefully the technology curse will pass!
So sorry to hear about all your technical problems! I am new to your blog but have loved it and kept checking back for new posts! I hope your computer is a easy fix.
Does your iPad have a camera? (I think the first version ipad didn’t… ) Just curious.
Thanks for doing what you do Emily.
No worries – you’ve had “three” disasters. They come in 3’s so you’re good! 🙂