Harvest Time! (and August update)
I love it when it’s finally time to enjoy the fruits, and vegetables, of my labors!!! Yum!
In my new Easy Garden box I planted 4 squares of green beans, and we’ve been swimming in them! So far I’ve picked about 4 pounds of beans. The trick with green beans is to keep harvesting them, and to pick them before the seeds get big and bulging. The plant thinks it has not yet reached its goal of putting out seeds, and so it keeps trying–producing a bountiful crop!
I have LOVE LOVE LOVED the variety of cucumbers I grew this year! (Burpee double feature hybrid, for those who are wondering). They are great small, medium, and large. So far no bitter cukes, and most are a good shape. Here’s my first picking, but now I go harvest a few more every day. I’m hoping to get enough to do some batches of pickles!
I harvested all my onions, set them out to dry, and then it rained! Fortunately it didn’t last long, and after a week outside these were ready to be weighed and measured! Here you see 6 pounds of red onions, 3 pounds of sweet onions, and 7 1/2 pounds of yellow onions.
I planted 4 squares of carrots, and about half were ready to eat. This is half of that batch (if you do the math–about 1/4 of my total harvest). Some were pretty funky–forked ends, split wide open, etc. But ALL are delicious!
My peppers and tomatoes have only just started to produce ripe fruit, and here is the first little harvest of those.
I never took pictures, but I got THREE HUGE heads of broccoli this year. The extended spring really served me well! However, by the time I harvested it was too hot to grow side shoots of smaller broccoli heads. Maybe next year!
I also harvested lots of sugar snap and snow peas. Again, no photos, but lots of enjoyment for my family! I don’t think I got as many as last year, but plenty for dipping in ranch and snacking on while outside in the backyard.
Finally, I have pulled up all my potato plants, but I left the potatoes in the ground. When we’re ready to have some for dinner I go out (or send my 6 year old) and dig some up. So I probably won’t have an accurate idea of how much I grew, since the harvest will be spread out over the summer and fall.
And a quick update of what my gardens look like:
My cucumbers are quite unruly, and don’t want to grow up the trellis at all. What’s tricky is that they are so scratchy, so I have to have gloves to wind them around the trellis, and I would have to be more diligent to keep all of them going vertical. Next year I’m going to try just tying string, and growing each plant on one string.
All my potato plants were falling over and turning brown, so I pulled them out! The potatoes are still in the ground, but I tried moving my irrigation so they won’t be wet.
Check out those tomatoes–yes, they are growing past the top of that 6-foot fence!
BTW, the Borax worked wonders on the beets! If you look closely you can see the old dead leaves, and the new beautiful healthy leaves!
And here are all the east gardens in one shot. It really lets you see how much the north (left) plants are thriving while the others are just okay. Still need to move those sprinkler heads. . .
I have a few recipes to share–the most delicious potato salad, potatoes-tomatoes-and-mayo (a family favorite), so stay tuned for those!
Happy gardening!
Wow. You got a lot of harvest there last month! Lot of beans and cucumbers! I love it! The carrots and the onions are also delightful! You have a lot of harvest for recipes! Me, I just got 2 pumpkins and 2 kilos of tomatoes plus 1 bowl of red hot chilis. LOL. But it is worth it. I made a spicy pumpkin soup with it.
All of your harvests are really great! They are perfect especially the carrots. I have failure on planting carrots that’s why I should have a goal to make carrots like yours. I am envy of that. Lol. I can’t wait for your recipe.
Your harvest is certainly wonderful! I love the string beans and the carrots! The cucumbers are also delightful! My cucumbers are starting to set up some fruit and I will definitely make pickles out of them when they come to age!
I actually just pulled the plants out of the ground. Sometimes a potato or two came out, but mostly they’re all still in the ground. I suppose you could wait until they turn brown; mine just seemed like they were done growing, so I pulled them.
did you just cut the tops off your potatoes? Mine have all fallen over but they are not brown or look like they are dying. Should I cut mine off too? Do the potatoes continue to grow after?
Here it is!
I must have missed the post on the Borax? What did you do to the beets to make them look so good (probably wouldn’t have helped ours anyway – the rabbits ate them all).
Barb–I did find information that said if temps go above 95 degrees the flowers will abort. That may be your problem. Another possibility is if the plants don’t have enough water. But you have to be careful about over-watering too, since that will cause the roots to rot.
Deann–I followed the advice in Mel’s book the first year, and I did not feel like I had a prolific harvest. Since then I’ve tried horizontal trellises (worked great, takes lots of space) and this year big, tall, tomato cages. I prefer to give tomatoes really good support, and then let them grow like crazy. Except I grow one cherry tomato plant on a 4’x6′ trellis, and I DO prune those. Mostly to keep it from taking over the rest of the garden. I never pull off leaves, but the suckers (new growing tips) that grow between the leaves and the stem.
Thanks for the update Emily! How do you get your tomatoes so big? I remember the cages you built, is that what is on them? We tried the trellis in Mel’s book and trimming the side shoots that are just leaves, and they are only about 2/3 up the 6 ft trellis 🙁 Not nearly as many green tomatoes out there as I expected… and we only have 2 red so far. Glad to hear someone in UT got some broccoli too.. ours didn’t go so well. But we’re swimming in carrots and peppers!
Hi, love your site! Your garden looks wonderful. I planted pole beans, and got lots of flowers, but no beans, just wondering why. I live in Lancaster Pa, and we have had lots of 90 degree days. Thanks, Barb