Tagged: Planting

2008 Garden, Third Week of June

2008 Garden, Third Week of June

I evaluated my garden and pulled the dead/dying stuff out. A bunch of my squares never grew, I don’t know why. So I planted the following in those spaces: Basil Cilantro Bush Beans Lettuce...

2008 Garden, Third Week of May

2008 Garden, Third Week of May

In response to my killed tomatoes, I went and purchased more. Originally I had started from seed: Roma Better Boy Sweet 100 I planted a Sweet 100 and Better Boy in 1 square foot...

2008 Garden, Second Week of May

2008 Garden, Second Week of May

After seeing how well my onion sets did, while my starts totally failed, I planted 3 more squares of them. They may not get very big, but I’m hoping small is better than none!

2008 Garden, First Week of May

2008 Garden, First Week of May

I planted outside: Beets Lettuce Carrots Bush Beans Cabbage (from starts) Parsley (from starts)

2008 Garden, Fourth Week of April

2008 Garden, Fourth Week of April

 So I’ve been busy today! I’ve been planting and planting! The squares in white have been planted. I did minimal switching around from my original plan–a few squares were empty, and I decided to...

2008 Garden, Third Week of April

2008 Garden, Third Week of April

Planted a few things outside: Garlic Spinach Peas Lettuce sprouts Growing inside: Cabbage Broccoli Cauliflower Onions (white and yellow) Dill Hot peppers (Anaheim & Jalapeno) Bell peppers Tomatoes (Better boy, Roma, Sweet 100) Basil...