Fall Planting Schedule!

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6 Responses

  1. The Prudent Homemaker says:

    That’s great! My fall list is very similar to yours; I also plant lettuce in the fall.

  2. Jessica says:

    I am so excited that you’ve decided to do a fall gardening schedule also! My husband and I are planting our first fall garden this year and to have some tips will be just great!

  3. Mirjam says:

    thanks for such a swift answer! I’ll be signing up again rigth away!

  4. emilyrhp says:

    You are in the Brown group. You raise a good point, I think I’ll add a table with the colors and frost dates for reference.


  5. emilyrhp says:

    You will be in the brown group. You bring up a good point, I’ll add the list of colors and their frost dates.

  6. Mirjam says:

    Hi Emily,
    I’ve really enjoyed your weekly planting tips last spring, so I’m glad you’re gonna help us with the fall plantings too…I’m not in the US, so I have no idea what my fall-colour would be. My first frost date is somewhere around octobre 23d, can you tell me what colour I should sign up with?