Category: Plant

When To Plant Your Garden

Once you’ve built your garden, created a layout, and prepped the soil, you can go buy seeds and plants, and put it all in at once, right? Unfortunately, it’s not that simple. Plants can be...

New USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map

New USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map

The USDA has just come out with a new Plant Hardiness Zone Map. This map was last updated in 1990, and now about half the cities are in a warmer zone than before. Some...

Spring Gardening Checklist

So you’ve created your garden plan (I hope!) and it’s time to prepare your garden for planting. Here’s a list of items TO DO and the tools you may need to get the job...

Share Your Garden Plan

Every spring I get lots of emails asking for feedback on garden plans. It’s something I enjoy doing, and I especially love to be able to post it for all to see. I want...

Starting Seeds Indoors–Is it worth it?

If you’ve never done it before, you might be asking yourself “Why would I start seeds indoors?” and “Will I save money starting seeds indoors?” Why Start Seeds Indoors? In other words, why can’t...

Fall Planting Schedule!

Fall Planting Schedule!

Drum roll please . . . after much blood, sweat, and tears, I am proud to announce my new Fall Planting Schedule!!! The newsletter sign up now has room to indicate both your spring...

Gardening Patterns

Spring-Summer-Fall The most typical gardening pattern for North America is the Spring-Summer-Fall (S-S-F) gardening season. These gardeners have a spring frost date (the average date of the last spring frost) and a fall frost...

Organizing Your Seeds

This is a picture I took in front of my happy place–the seed aisle. I love shopping for seeds. The packages are so colorful, offering hope of beautiful and delicious home grown vegetables. I...

Creating A (Square Foot) Garden Plan

Whether you are doing a traditional or square foot garden, having a plan helps everything run more smoothly. Here is a simple outline for creating your square foot garden plan. I love using Excel,...