Growing Herbs

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9 Responses

  1. Emily says:

    Alicia–If you are growing basil to harvest it, one per square. It will get that bit. But if you’re just growing it for bug protection, one in the middle of 4 leaf lettuce plants will be fine. Just pinch off the leaves to keep it small. By the time the lettuce is big enough to crowd it out, it’s usually strong enough to withstand pests (or it’s ready to harvest).

  2. Alicia says:

    Hi Emily,

    I’m a bit confused with the directions about basil. From everything I have read it looks like only one basil plant is recommended per square foot. But you mentioned squeezing it in with 4 lettuce plants per square foot. Can you clarify this? I am planting a bed of lettuce, so putting basil in there for insect control sounds good, but I’m not sure how well everything will grow squeezed in together? I am in Southern Oregon in the yellow group. Thanks for the help.

  3. Emily says:


    I amend the bed well in the spots where I plant, then work around it in the spring.

  4. Tina says:

    I have a question about planting garlic. If I plan to plant it in the fall, how do I deal with my bed? Do I want to rotate the soil in the fall then before I plant the garlic? Or do I rotate the soil in the spring and try to keep away from the garlic? This is my first year gardening, so I am not even sure what to do with the bed to prepare it for winter.


  5. Emily says:

    I don’t know where you live and how hot it is, but that was my experience as well. My cilantro didn’t get very big before it bolted. From the comment left above, it seems that you might have more luck growing cilantro in the spring and fall, and/or planting it in a partially-shaded area.

    One year I used two pieces 1/2″ pvc from corner to corner (it created an X over my box) and covered it with a thin piece of cloth. I think I used eyelet. Anyway, it gave those veggies some good shade for the hottest part of the day, but allowed direct sun in the morning and evening. My lettuce was FANTASTIC! I think this would probably help to keep cilantro growing and happy in the hotter months when tomatoes are producing!

  6. Esther says:

    This is my first year trying to grow cilantro and it doesn’t seem to be going well. It seems that the cilantro I bought from the store and planted just seems to be going to seed and I didn’t get to use any of it. I love cilantro in Salsa. Is there a way get the cilantro to be ready to havest at the same time as the tomatoes? I also started seedlings inside that I transplanted outside. They seem to be doing well now but I am afraid they are going to go to seed really fast too before I can use them. Any advice?

  7. Emily says:

    A comment emailed to me that I thought was helpful:

    Just sharing what my experience has been with cilantro. Cilantro is a cold weather crop. At this very moment (Orange group) my cilantro is starting to bolt so I need to harvest. My spring planting if I buy a plant has never grown much and bolted quickly. I have always been disapointed. Last year I let it go to seed in the spring. I stripped the seeds and put into a baggie. I sprinkled a few back into the squares they came out of and shook the plant in my path, etc. OH MY! I never had to plant the seeds. In the fall I had the best cilantro that lasted all winter actually and grew very heavily this spring. So now I know the secret for awesome cilantro for my area.

  8. Marne says:

    I have grown chives in my SFG for the past 3 years, and I love it. They just get better every year. My mother in law gave me a start 3 years ago and they just took off. I recommend doing chives for sure.

    I really like the idea of doing garlic, I hadn’t thought of that one before. Thanks!

  9. Melissa says:

    I just found your blog. Thanks for all the info. We just planted our first square foot garden and it’s going great.