Carmen-Gardening in Galesville

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3 Responses

  1. thyme2garden says:

    Carmen, your garden looks great! Do you have any kind of fencing around your garden area, or are the raised boxes just sitting somewhere in your backyard? My boyfriend and I also just started with square foot gardening (and also blogging!) this year. I think we may have even planted the same weekend you did – maybe we can be garden twins! 🙂 We had our boxes on the ground just like yours, until I discovered that the wild bunnies in our area were munching on all my greens, peas and beans. I really like the variety of selection in both your boxes!

  2. Carmen says:

    I don’t have an exact date written down, but I believe I planted the second weekend in May (8-9)?

  3. mcmasterp says:

    great info, thank you! what was your starting date?