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6 Responses

  1. cassandra says:

    Leeks like to grow near onions, celery and radishes.So says John Jeavons, in his book “How to Grow More Vegtables”

  2. Emily says:

    To know when to plant what, sign up for my newsletter here: /color

  3. J says:

    Is it to late it plant leeks now?

  4. Abby says:

    Thanks for the Leek information. It is very helpful as I was not able to find it easily on any other Square Foot Gardening sites. Thanks,

  5. Emily says:

    I have not seen a lot of lists with leeks on them, but they are in the same family as onions. I would avoid the same things you would if you were planting onions.

  6. Dina says:

    Love your site!! It has been extremely helpful in getting organized this year. I was wondering if there is a plant leeks should NOT be planted near. Thanks!