Updated–Raised Garden Bed Cost Comparison

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13 Responses

  1. Emily says:

    In his book, Mel Bartholemew suggests 6″ is enough soil. This has not been my experience. So I suggest a minimum of 10″, or even 12-15″ if you can swing it. You can buy kits at Costco and Sam’s club, maybe even Wal-Mart. But since it’s fall you won’t find much right now. Instead you’d have to buy a kit online or build your own. Home Depot or Lowes probably have all you need to make one, but it’s not an easy project. If you have a handy man or woman around the house, go for it!

  2. Jackie Meeks says:

    How do I know if I need a 5 inch deep or 10 inch deep bed? I am interested most in tomato plants. Also, at Home Depot is there a kit or am I going to the different areas buying the pieces to assemble?

  3. Lyn says:

    Check out greenlandgardener.com raised boxes. Sams Club sells them at $52 shipping included. Made in the USA with recyled materials. Stackable, but the clips are not included with the Sams Club boxes. Connectors clips are free from the Greenlanders web site. I have set up six stacked units and ran duct tape on the inside stacked joints so the watered soil would not run down the outside of the box. No tools needed and they look great.

  4. Emily says:

    Finally. . . I am on Facebook! What should be an easy process took me several attempts, several plug ins, and several days. Whew!

  5. thyme2garden says:

    Emily, thanks for doing a comparison of these products! I have to agree with Michelle, I initially gulped at the price. But you’re right, that if you aren’t handy or have a handy spouse, this really would be the next best thing. In my head, I just quickly compare the cost of prefab boxes to the cost of materials for building my own, but I’m definitely not taking into consideration the time and effort involved in driving to the store, picking up lumber, and building the boxes – maybe because my boyfriend does most of the building, and I think his labor is “free”!

  6. Emily says:

    I called 3 nurseries for prices–they did vary a little by nursery. I found at least 3 in northern Utah or southern Salt Lake county who carried them. I just went down the list from the website.

  7. michelle says:

    Thanks for the info! I have had my eye on that Easy Garden Box since I saw it at the home garden show in Orem (in March, I think). I went to their website and called a nursery on the list and no one could find it in their inventory. So, I think I’ll try again and see if I can locate one. I’d love to have three of them, but maybe I can start with one next year. 🙂

  8. Emily says:

    I got mine directly from the manufacturer–they gave it to me so I could try it and review it. I do want to say that did not influence my review of the product, and I tried to be really fair by providing an “apples to apples” comparison with similar products, including features and pricing.

    This is one of the higher priced boxes, but from my experience (I have had 6″ vinyl beds, 12″ vinyl beds, and built 10″ wood beds), this is by far the sturdiest option. It’s so simple to put together, and I think will last longer than wood or plain vinyl boxes. So, it is an investment in your garden, and only you can decide if it’s worth the money.

  9. Emily says:

    There is another post about building vs buying–for some folks who are not handy and don’t have handy spouses, buying is the best and easiest option.

  10. michelle says:

    Wow, thanks for all of this info. I am really interested in the Easy Garden Box, but I’ll have to think over the price. Which nursery did you get yours from?

  11. Laura says:

    great post – thank you! Are you on facebook yet? A lot of my photography and photo retouching students have mentioned they’d like to learn to garden and I’d like to do a SHARE on facebook but didn’t know if you have a garden page yet. Let me know – thanks!

  12. Tom Alphin says:

    I think you should add a note in the article that there are some great do-it-yourself options too, and they aren’t necessarily any more time consuming than these kits.

    I have detailed directions on my blog for example: http://tomalphin.com/2010/01/modular-raised-bed-system-for-square-foot-gardening.html They use cedar boards and last many seasons without maintenance. They are also inexpensive to make.

  13. Esther says:

    You should check out this site. She gives instructions to build some raised beds out of cedar for a lot cheaper! Not too hard either. The rest of the site is pretty cool too.
