Minneapolis Square Foot Garden – Update

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2 Responses

  1. Dewdrop75 says:

    Thanks for the comment Caroline. I am not really too bummed. Yes, it would have been nice to get more stuff that we could actually eat out of the garden, but I figured this year I was learning, so I didn’t really expect much. Also, it was a really hot year here, so I am sure that contributed to it too. I just know next year will be so much easier because one, I already have the bed built, and two I will know more about what I am supposed to do. And last I know what we ate and what we didn’t, so I will plant more of what we ate and less or none of what we didn’t eat.

  2. Caroline Baines says:

    Hey, you sound rather bummed – don’t be. We all start somewhere. Before last year, the only thing I’ve really grown successfully were tomatoes. This year, with help of family, I have 4 4×8 beds, I grew tomatoes, lettuce, lots of herbs (try mint tea!), Georgia collards, onions, beans, peas and I just harvested my first luffa. I didn’t get a great harvest of any of it, but I got something! I’m in S. Florida, so it’s time for round 2 and am planning on planting a bunch of greens, garlic, kale and whatever other cool weather plants I think of. Planning is half the fun!

    And, I get your pumpkin dilema. I have a Seminole pumpkin that is well over 40 feet long in one of my beds – it’s produced NOTHING. I’m about ready to rip it out and try again next year.

    Just remember, it takes time to learn. I figure I don’t need to know how to do this now, but it might make a very big difference in my life sometime in the near future. Better to learn it now (along with preserving) than to go hungry when it counts. Plus, it’s relaxing, fun and I’ve lost 20# so far. Just keep plugging away – you’ll get there!
