Plant Spacing

Plant Spacing

Here is a chart of plants and how many to plant per square. See below for explanations on how to calculate and sample pictures.

Plant # Per Square
Basil 4
Beans, bush 9
Beans, pole 8
Beets 9
Carrots 16
Celery 1
Chives 9
Cilantro 9
Collard greens 1
Corn 3
Cucumbers 2
Dill 1
Eggplant 1
Garlic 4 or 9
Kale 1
Kohlrabi 4
Leeks 4 or 9
Lettuce, leaf 4
Lettuce, head 1
Mustard greens 16
Okra 1
Onions, storage 4 or 9
Onions, green 16
Oregano 1
Parsley 1
Parsnips 16
Peas 8
Peppers 1
Potatoes 1
Radishes 16
Rosemary 1
Rutabagas 4
Spinach 9
Sweet potatoes 1
Swiss Chard 4
Turnips 9
Plant Spacing # of Squares
Arithocke 48″
not suitable for SFG
Asparagus 12″
not suitable for SFG
Broccoli 18″ 4 per 9 squares
Brussels sprouts 18″ 4 per 9 squares
Cabbage 18″ 4 per 9 squares
Cantaloupe 24″ 2 with trellis
Cauliflower 18″ 4 per 9 squares
Pumpkins 24″ 2 with trellis
Rhubarb 36″
not suitable for SFG
Summer squash 24″ 4 with cage
Tomatoes 12″
1 with stakes
4 with cage
9 no support
Watermelon 24″ 2 with trellis
Winter Squash 24″ 2 with trellis
Zucchini 24″ 4 with cage

To calculate how many plants per square, look on the back of the seed packet–ignore the row spacing, just look at the plant spacing:

3″ plant spacing = 16 per square

4″ plant spacing = 9 per square

6″ plant spacing = 4 per square


12″ plant spacing = 1 per square

3″ plant spacing with trellis = 8 per square

Some plants require more than one square.

18″ plant spacing = 4 in 9 squares

24″ plant spacing with trellis = 2 squares

24″ plant spacing with cage = 4 squares